Tanzania Mia

10 LinkedIn Profile Tips for Sales Professionals



There have been literally thousands of blog posts around how to build a LinkedIn profile that makes a statement. Each with a small deviation or strategy. So, why write on a topic that has been written to death… because as I look at the profiles of my clients, prospects and connections I realize few have actually done anything about it. If you are in business development, your profile is your landing page. This is not your resume, it is your opportunity to attract, teach and engage your audience and get the right people to raise their hand and say, “Let’s Talk”. Yes, this is the job of your profile, so take another look, from your readers perspective. What do they see when they show up and how interesting and relevant is it to them?

 Here are 10 very important areas of your profile that you should ensure is done correctly:

  1. Banner/Background – this is an important area to brand your business. Be sure to use professional icons and images and view how it looks by clicking the “View Profile As” button.
  2. Headshot – make this professional and engaging. Look into the camera so that your photo is making eye contact with your audience.
  3. Headline – This is should not simply be your job title and company name but a value proposition. How you help your targeted audience. The goal of the Headline is to attract your reader and get them to want to scroll down and read more of your profile.
  4. Contact Info Box – Take advantage of the 3 website links. Choose pages on your website that you’d like them to visit. Choose “Other” instead of Company profile to name your link. Also, be sure you have your company email as your primary and a phone number for them to get in touch with you.
  5. Summary – This is your opportunity to teach and engage your audience. Start my bringing the issues and challenges they face to the surface. Then offer them some commercial insights that can have a direct impact on the way they are currently thinking about their current situation, company or industry. Once you have them curious, ask for the call.
  6. Projects – This is an ideal section to highlight case studies and success stories that add credibility and allow your prospects to see what you can achieve. The goal is that they relate to your story and want you to do that for them.
  7. Publications – Add collateral or link to press releases or product information. This is a great way to drive traffic to information that will get them more excited to talk with you.
  8. Skills – Make the most of this section, because Google does. Make sure you have keywords and phrases that your prospects use when looking for your products and services.
  9. Volunteer and Organizations – Add the places where you make a difference outside of your business life. Showing your above and beyond will help you to gain respect and even connect you with others that have the same passions.
  10. Advice for Contacting – This section is open to the public, meaning they don’t have to be connected to you to see it. This is important if you want people you haven’t met yet to be able to contact you easily.

BONUS: Weave your keywords and phrases throughout your profile to optimize how you come up in searches.

Looking to learn more about LinkedIn for sales professionals? Check out our library of  free on-demand webinars that can have a huge impact on your business development efforts.

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