Tanzania Mia

5 Steps To Developing Great Content on LinkedIn That Directly Impacts Your Sales Efforts



Whether you consider yourself a good writer or not, chances are you are a good resource to your network, you have educational tips that can help your audience and brings real value. Often, the biggest challenge when writing content is identifying and articulating insights in away that gets the attention of your prospects and truly gets engagement. Engagement can range from a simple “like” or comment to a connection request or even a note that asks for a phone call.

When positioning yourself as a subject matter expert, there is nothing more powerful  than original content. Here are 5 ways you can create meaningful blog posts that will actually have an impact on your sales efforts:

1. Identify not just what your prospects care about, but what will make a positive impact on their business. These topics can derive from your daily interactions, client questions, articles in popular publications, blog posts your clients like and comment on, new innovations or impactful changes in your industry.

2. Choose a compelling title that will peak the interest of your prospects. Make sure that the title tells your audience what they are going to get when they read your blog post. Clever isn’t enough, in fact it can actually hurt your click through rate, remember most of your potential readers are busy and are very choosey about where they invest their energy. They need to know simply by the blog post title that clicking through and reading it will be well worth their time.

3. Have a formula or template for writing your blog posts. When you know the cadence and flow, it makes putting the content together much simpler. When developing a post, keep your 8th grade English Teacher in mind. Here is one example: Write an introduction that tells the readers what they are going to get, next, offer the “meat”; implementable steps, insights or education and offer a conclusion that wraps up what they learned and leads them to the next step to speaking with you.

4. Make sure you offer insights, a good story doesn’t get you business unless the lesson learned impacts the reader. Often I actually begin writing a blog post with the implementable take-away in mind. I start with what the value I want to offer my readers and build out the rest of the post keeping that outcome in mind. When you bring value to your readers, they will want to talk with you.

5. If your goal is to convert your audience to leads, the key is to ask for the phone calls. A powerful call-to-action will have a huge impact on your sales efforts if done right. Conclude your blog post with a simple ask… “If this topic resonates with you and you’d like to explore further, I invite you to have a conversation. Whether or not we decide to do business together, I am confident that our call will be full of insights that can help you with…”

Bonus: I recommend leveraging a calendar sync program like TimeTrade or Calendly to make scheduling a call with you easy for your prospects.

Please share in comments activities that you do to get your content to convert to leads.

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