Tanzania Mia


Attract, Teach, & Engage CREATES Know, Like & Trust

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Attract, teach, & Engage CREATES Know, Like & Trust. We all now know like and trust, We’ve all heard this for years, decades even. 

But you can’t get to know and trust without attracting, teaching, and engaging first. So attracting them. This is with content. This is with warm introductions, this is with referrals. 

This is with you engaging in their cutting. There are so many ways to attract them in we’ll talk about some of them. But we’ve got to attract them first.

Once we do that, how do we become a resource is by teaching them not to pitch them. 

If you want to be that resource. You simply have to help them make that a value, even if they never talk to you. And then engage.

So, this has to do with not only, you know, we talked about the profile, somebody views your profile, that’s an invitation to engage with them, not to pitch with them, but to reach out to them. 

Hey, I noticed you looked at my profile content, looking at someone’s content and just clicking the like button or the React button. 

That’s one thing, but commenting on their content will go so much further, especially if you can answer a question if you can, again, show your value and share insights because that’s what you know, engage all about that. 

It’s also about when you post something, be around to engage. 

We were on a call yesterday with an Instagram trainer and she gave us the greatest new term. don’t post and ghost. don’t post something and then disappear. We call that I think we’re going to talk about it. random acts of social and so don’t do that.

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