Tanzania Mia

How to Prospect with @Mentions on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Prospect

Mentions on LinkedIn have been around for a while now, but they are still significantly underutilized. It is simple to do and has a powerful impact when it comes to engaging with your prospects.

Using the @mention feature on LinkedIn is a great way to get your connections to read and engage with your updates and comments. LinkedIn gives us the ability to @mention individuals and companies. When you mention a person, their profile will be LinkedIn publicly to the post, and if you @mention a company, the update will be linked to their LinkedIn Company Page from your update or comment. @Mentions will notify your connections or company that you’re talking about them, so it is a powerful way to get on their radar.

  • There are 2 places to @mention a connection or company. First, from your homepage’s update box and Second, click comment on someone else’s update.
  • Type “@” and then type a name in the box. A drop down list of potential people or companies will appear and you can choose one to @mention.
  • To @mention individuals in a LinkedIn update, you must be connected to them directly. The one exception is, if you are engaging via comments in any update that they have contributed to, you can mention them in that feed.
  • You can @mention all companies

LinkedIn Mentions

Here is how to use the @mentions strategically:

  1. Share your prospect’s content in your update and @mention EXAMPLE: Must Read – Are you being SPAMMED on LinkedInhttp://sslink.co/SpamonLinkedIn by @Michael de Groot
  2. If you publish or find content, @mention your prospect in the updateEXAMPLE: As someone that publishes great content on @LinkedIn, I thought this blog, Who Owns Your Content on LinkedInhttp://sslink.co/WhoOwnsYourLinkedInContent would be of interest @Cory Glabraith
  3. Quote an influencer on LinkedIn and @mention them – this will get visibility from the influencer as well as their audience. Be sure you don’t spam here, if you over use it with the same influencer it can back fire. EXAMPLE: Brilliant seminar today with @Pat Walsh, he talked about how to bridge the gap between sales and marketing!
  4. If you read about awards your prospects or clients have received or mentions in the news, congratulate them in a LinkedIn update. EXAMPLE:Congratulations @CETRA Language Solutions on making the Philadelphia 100 list!

How do you use @mentions? Share in comments and let us know!

@Mention is just one tool in the Social Selling box, but use it well and you will begin to see positive engagement with your targeted market.

Are you a sales professional who needs to leverage LinkedIn more effectively? Let’s set up a time to talk; a makeover and personal plan may be the key to growing your business in 2015! Here is a link to my calendarhttp://ScheduleaCallwithBrynne.com and a link to my partner’shttp://ScheduleaCallwithSallyJo.com pick one and schedule a time that best works for you. We are looking forward to a successful 2015!


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