Tanzania Mia

Let’s Hang Out: The Benefits of Google+ Hangouts

Google+ hangout“Back in the day” video conferencing was quite a production. Offices and businesses needed special technology, dedicated space, and a little luck to produce and deliver “webinars”. Today, as evidenced by the popularity of video chat platforms like Facetime, video sharing services like You Tube, and Vine, and the accessibility of mobile technology via smartphones and tablets, video conferencing is now standard operating procedures for many business.

Incorporating a Google + Hangout presence into your social media strategy can lead to higher search engine rankings, a more engaged on-line presence, and better, more personal relationships with clients, customers, and prospects. This versatile platform allows you to connect, live, with up to 10 participants. Google Hangouts allow any participant to ask and answer questions, post content and comments, and share video in real time.  Your content is then uploaded to your YouTube channel, so you not only have a record of your hangout, you also have fresh, new content to help drive your SEO rankings.

Google Hangout is becoming a popular platform among small business owners. In order to create a good Google presence, you should:

  • Be the expert. Use your Google Hangout Platform to position yourself as an expert in a particular area.
  • Create relevant content: Since your Google Hangout and subsequent You Tube video are recorded live, there’s no need to focus on a slick production. Speaking  clearly and offering  fresh information to actively engage your audience will translate well on all your social media platforms.
  • Create a conversation. Leverage the real time feature of your Google + Hangout to engage your audience and humanize your narrative.
  • Connect with clients. You can use Google hangouts to offer one-one customer and technical support, conduct a focus group, or provide industry information and trend analysis.
  • Manage better meetings. Since Google hangouts offer accessibility for up to 10 participants at a time, it can be a great platform for staff and team meetings, briefings, and updates, especially if you have staff and team members working remotely or virtually. Networking meetings have just become more productive – who needs to pay $7 for a cup of coffee – Google Hangout.
  • Record and archive webinars to be watched over and over again!

Google Hangouts may sound like a casual way to connect with clients, customers, and staff, but when used correctly, it can be a sophisticated and effective piece of your social media strategy. Don’t wait, start hanging out today!

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