Tanzania Mia

LinkedIn Group Direct Messaging is Back with this Hack

LinkedIn Group messagingFor prolific LinkedIn users, the loss of messaging group members is still painful. However, there is a work around – and I state it is hack(ish) because it doesn’t replace the feature completely, but it does do a nice job in many ways.

  1. Hover over Interests and Click on Groups
  2.  Click on my Groups and choose a Group
  3. Click the Search Box on the Top Right
  4. Enter Your Search Terms i.e. “CEO” OR “President” OR “Owner” AND “Chicago”
  5. You Will Get a List of Everyone in the Group that Meets Your Criteria That has Posted Something (If They Are Not Active, They Wont Come Up in the Search)
  6. If You Wish to Check the Person Out First, Right Click Their Name and Open in New Tab.
  7. Now Return to the Group Post and Right Click on The Title of the Post and Open in New Tab. PLEASE Read the Post or Article and Choose Something That You Can Refer to in Your Correspondence.
  8. Return to the Group Post One More Time and Click on the title to see the entire post. Once there click on the … on the Top Right and Choose Reply Privately. You Can Send A Message Directly without InMail.

BONUS: Another way to engage other group members is to @mention them in a post, just remember it is public, so be smart about how you do that.

So it may not be perfect, but it is a great way to engage with targeted group members.


Are you ready to transform your LinkedIn profile to a value-centric, buyer engaging page? Is it time to have a solid LinkedIn daily routine and message templates to support your efforts? If yes, it might make sense to sign up for a 90-minute private session with me. SCHEDULE NOW!

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