Tanzania Mia

LinkedIn’s Advanced & Saved Searches Will Fill Your Sales Pipeline Weekly


Imagine if every single week you received a list in your email of 10, 20 or 30 targeted decision makers and influencers that meet your prospecting criteria? Now imagine if you could leverage your shared connections to gain access to those stakeholders? What would your business look like?

Well, that is how many business development professionals are getting warm introductions that convert to phone calls on a consistent basis, and you can too.

Visit the advanced search page and peruse the filters to determine the keywords, titles, geographic location and industries represented in your buyers’ profiles.

Now for the magic… choose 2nd degree connection under the Relationship filter. Once you Search you will have a full list of the people that meet your criteria who share a connection with you. Scan through the list, and if the people match your ideal buyer persona SAVE the list. Weekly LinkedIn will send you all the new people that enter your network as a 2nd degree connection that meets your ideal prospect.

From the list, simply click the green hyperlink to identify who you know that knows your targeted buyer, choose one that you know well and ask for an introduction.

EXAMPLE:I hope this note finds you well. As you may know, I am leveraging LinkedIn to grow my network and noticed that you are connected to XXX at XXX. I was wondering if you would kindly provide an introduction for me. If you could copy us both in an email or LinkedIn message I can take it from there. To make it easier for you, I have included a short paragraph below that you are welcome to copy and paste.

Also, please feel free to look through my connections, I am happy to make introductions for you as well. Thanks so much! Brynne

I would like to introduce you to Brynne Tillman, Chief Learning Officer at PeopleLinx. I thought it might make sense for the two of you to connect and investigate how you might work together. Brynne helps sales professionals build their pipeline, reduce the sales cycle and close more business through leveraging the power of LinkedIn. Brynne’s really understands how to Monetize LinkedIn and has created programs that have made a significant impact on the way professionals are growing their business. Brynne will be contacting you in the next couple of days, please take her call; I believe it will be well worth your time. If you would like to reach out to Brynne, her contact information is: BTillman@PeopleLinx.com | 215.499.0499 | http://www.linkedin.com/in/brynnetillman

Leveraging LinkedIn for business is so powerful, but just reading this isn’t enough. Make the time to create and save your searches and visit them weekly.

If you have Sales Navigator, you can complete this in Lead Builder, where there are even more search filters identify your target market. Looking to learn more about the power of Sales Navigator and the amazing features coming down the pike?

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