Tanzania Mia

LinkedIn’s Company Product & Service Pages are Dead, Long Live Company Showcase Pages


Showcase pagesLinkedIn’s Product & Service Pages have been a staple on Company Pages for a few years now, and have been very helpful in describing your company’s offerings as well as recommendations. But as of April 14th, they will no longer be supported. Let’s not dwell on the past, Showcase Pages are here! These pages allow you to describe and promote your Company Page through dedicated sub-pages or “child-pages” for many aspects of your business offerings. Interested members can now follow each Showcase Page just as they follow your Company Page.

Showcase Pages were developed for nurturing relationships with interested parties who want to follow specific products, services, initiatives, projects and or offerings of your business, and not for marketing campaigns and promotions. Showcase pages need to be managed and developed, unlike a static Company Page, so before you take it on, be sure to have a plan in place!

The following guidelines have been provided by LinkedIn:

First, please review the requirements specifications for creating a Showcase Page.

Requirement and specifications:

You must be a Company Page administrator in order to create a Showcase Page. Learn more about becoming a Company Page admin. Other information you’ll need:

  • Showcase Page name
  • Showcase Page description (75-200 characters)
  • Industry
  • Name of at least 1 Showcase Page administrator
  • Hero Image (recommended)
  • Learn more about the specifications for the elements of a Showcase Page.

If you’re an admin of the parent Company Page, here’s how you can create a child Showcase Page:

  • Click the down arrow next to the blue Edit button on the Company Page
  • Select Create a Showcase Page.
  • Enter a page name and assign administrators for the Showcase Page.
  • You must be a 1st degree connection in order to assign someone as a Showcase Page administrator.
  • Click Create.
  • The page exists and can be edited at this point, but won’t appear in search or in the linked pages shown for your Company Page yet.

Either you or the administrators you’ve assigned can finalize the page details, and then click Publish to make it public.

To get back to your Showcase page, you can search for it from the top of any LinkedIn Page or go to your parent Company Page and select the Showcase page in the page tree along the right rail.

Note: You can create up to 10 Showcase Pages through your Company Page. Learn more if your company may need additional Showcase Pages.

Showcase Page element specifications:

  • Hero Image: Minimum 974 x 330 pixels. PNG, JPEG, or GIF. Maximum file size 2 MB. You can crop your image once it’s uploaded.
  • Logo: 100 x 60 pixels. Image will be resized to fit.
  • Square logo: 50 x 50 pixels. Image will be resized to fit.

Click Here to check out and follow our new Showcase Page!

To learn more visit LinkedIn Showcase Pages.

If you would like assistance in developing your company page please EMAIL US.

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