Tanzania Mia


The Thought Leader’s Checklist – Creating, Sharing and Engaging with Content | Social Sales Link

Becoming a thought leader on LinkedIn doesn’t happen overnight. And, it doesn’t happen randomly. It takes hard work and commitment. In this post, we are going to review what a content schedule might be for your original content for a month.

  • Pick a topic (and if you can’t think of one, try one of these)
    • Questions your clients have asked you
    • Keynote topics from a conference you have attended
    • Google top blog posts (don’t read them just take inspiration from the titles)
    • Look at questions in Quora and other community sites
    • Check out BuzzSumo.com
    • Look at the table of contents from some of your favorite books
    • Browse through podcast titles
  • Write the blog first
    • What is the challenge
    • Record the clear take-away(s) your audience will get
    • Name it – clever but not too clever – they have to know what they are going to get when they click through the link
    • Add search-engine-optimized words
    • Make or buy a graphic that is consistent with your digital brand
    • Decide on a call-to-action
      • Download more insights in an ebook
      • Set up a call
      • Register for a webinar
  • Create 4-8 images
    • Create …

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